December 18, 2007

Channel Frederator

Hi everybody, it's been a long time since the last post, I apologise but's been a lot of academic work ! I'm getting more & more closer of being an entire Graphic Designer! Well, this time I'm gonna talk about Channel Frederator. This is a very funny podcast about animation. It's really cool because their contents are based on what their audience send to them, so what you can see is what you or any of us would have sent. Personally I just love Channel Frederator, they are always grateful for the people who send their work (they always say that, it's great! xD ). you can watch Channel Frederator? You can go to their site or you can subscribe. I use iTunes for that, it works perfect with podcasts.

Channel Frederetor also have a little brother, ReFrederator, go and watch it too, it's all about vintage animation, I'm addicted to it too! lol

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